Friday, August 9, 2013

Umbrella Morning

The thunder and lightning started at 5 a.m. and rain followed soon after. I could hear its pitter patter for a short while slowly but surely turning into a cascade from the second floor room of the ashram. I tried hard to ignore it all and catch some more sleep. The fury of the storm was not in any hurry to subside and the tin roof of the awning outside the room was a testimony to the cacophony despite a generous layer of tar smeared on top. After tossing around for a while, I finally gave up a little before 6 and decided to head out for a walk through Rishikesh town and along the Ganga river. The rain was subsiding a bit as I stepped on to flooded pathways and freshly rinsed glistening surfaces. There were umbrellas all around and of every color - each offering a natural playground to the fat raindrops as they slid down and merged with the big wet. 

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